10 Most Bizarre Dating Simulator Games

Players can decide which character to date — including their teacher — and choose the right options to truly express their feelings. You, on the other hand, still know what love is in its purest form, even if you’re courting pigeons, plants, or John Cena himself… This all thanks to dating simulators– to heck with anyone else’s cookie-cutter idea of love, yours is more powerful and untainted by the mundane bastardization of modern romance.


Founded in 2009, Hyperallergic is headquartered in Brooklyn, New York. The Santa Fe gallery features Indigenous textiles and jewelry from the early 19th century to today. There must be a lesson in Vasilis Katsoupis’s film Inside about the vacuousness of the art market or the claustrophobia of exhibition spaces — I just don’t care.

The night before, you talked to one of your best friends of eight years about her week at college, three hours away, and about her exciting internship offer. Would you rather be a WWE Manager than go to high school and date Cenas? In Payback 2015, you are a new manager who gets transferred over to the WWE. Your temporary boss, Triple H, assigns you to over view the Fatal Fourway at the pay per view this weekend. In this game you can choose between Seth Rollins, Randy Orton, Dean Ambrose, and Roman Reigns and depending on how you play there is 16 different ending that you can end up with.

Food Dating sims

Much like real life, players will not know if they are having a good date until it is over, even if they go to fancy destinations. The dating simArcade Spirittakes place in the 2000s in a world where the 1983 gaming crash never happened. The player can customize their character, with them appearing throughout the game.

Excuse me, I need to go check my DadBook notifications and practice my jokes before tonight’s neighborhood cookout. The concept behind Raptor Boyfriend feels like a ready-made meme, so it makes sense that I first encountered the dating sim on Twitter. The game captured my full curiosity on the strength of that initial image. Hakuoki is probably one of the most accessible, available on PS3, PSP, 3DS, iOS, and Android. It’s more of a historical samurai drama with supernatural elements, and some chances at romance.

These games also often involve raising stats that reflect the player’s skills and can be combined with other genres. Series such as Sakura Wars and Persona combine RPG gameplay with dating sim gameplay. Besides the dialogue choices, the player will also need to explore the café and interact with various objects in the environment. Also, Cybermen the player can look at their phone and answer messages, watch videos, and browse social media. All of this will impact the available choices and lead to multiple different endings, which gives this game more depth and replay value. I am also shocked too when I play these simulations to see how characters have gender forced upon them.

The genre has been around for so long in Japan that games start to get creative when reflecting back in on themselves. Nitroplus’ Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi involves one of the romantic interests learning she’s been manipulated on a supernatural level and coming to the realization that she is a character within a game. Approaching the games in this manner leaves one much less disappointed when they don’t deliver a true vicarious romance experience. It’s a troubling view of human relations in general but it’s one that simple gameplay mechanics can handle. Because make no mistake, Sucker For Love is a horror game pretending to be a dating sim.

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Originally, the game seems like a regular Dating Sim where the player tries to date one of the girls in the club, but slowly it is revealed that something sinister is going on. Created from a successful crowdfunding campaign,Arcadia Fallenis a game that addresses many long-time issues players have had with most Dating Sims. In this game, the player controls an alchemist’s apprentice who accidentally gets bound to a spirit, which gets them involved in a war that will determine the fate of the world. The main gameplay comes from selecting dialogue choices and solving alchemy puzzles. This is NOT where you add characters for your game, this is for submitting free to use character art for other game creators to share their artwork with the community in the public resources gallery. Within a few months, I went from being a carefree high schooler dishing out the latest gossip to a girl with a shaved head and a much more serious outlook on what mattered in life.

He has his own dating game calledJohn Cena’s Sexy High School Adventure. LikeCaging Me Softly, this one is also free and lets you date your favorite celebrity. It takes place in a fictional game world of Cat Island populated by six cats with varying personalities and who can also talk to you. It’s not as weird or as low-budget as the rest of the games in this list; it actually has 18 alternative endings and many other gameplay intricacies to keep you coming back… I can pretend girls like me in my head without playing a dating sim!

It came as a big surprise when KFC released a dating sim relating to Colonel Sanders. Players play as a cooking student, who meets the colonel during their first class of the semester. During each class, the player can impress Colonel Sanders, getting to know him more and more. Hatoful Boyfriend lets you channel your inner Nikola Tesla, meaning you can court and have a relationship with…

You’ve invested both your emotions and your time in them and the only way to see your relationship through with them is to let all the traumatic, lethal, and disgusting things unfold. As they personalize their profile, uncover easter eggs, and talk to various characters, the player will try to get closer to either Emily or Evelyn, which is the Dating Sim elementof the game. Depending on the player’s dialogue choices and online actions, they will get one of several different outcomes. Even thoughEmily Is Away is the third installment of theEmily Is Awayseries, players don’t need to have played the previous games because it’s a spiritual successor rather than a direct sequel. Unlike the previous games that primarily take place on a chat client based on AOL Instant Messenger, this game, which takes place in 2008, follows a customizable protagonist as they sign up for the new social media website Facenook.