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They can spend hours talking about anything and everything and will feel like they’ve met someone who’s their intellectual match. But, as time goes on, they may realize their personalities don’t really match. Gemini is optimistic, while Virgo is pessimistic. The ever-changing Gemini is notoriously flakey, while the highly organized Virgo has their scheduled planned out weeks in advance. Geminis thrive when there’s chaos and drama, while Virgos are all about perfection and order. Clearly, Gemini and Virgo have totally different approaches to life.

A Gemini man, on the other hand, will socialize with everyone, but he will only spend a few minutes with any one person. A Scorpio woman is uncomfortable in most social situations. Most parties tend to be too noisy for her, psychically as well as physically. It is highly unlikely that a Gemini man and Scorpio woman will get together in the first place. Scorpio is the sign of extremes, and a Scorpio woman never does anything halfway.

Gemini And Gemini

Geminis tend to know a little about a lot of things and love being social. A trivia challenge is perfect for a Gemini guy, who typically flits about from topic to topic, soaking up information as he goes. Gemini guys love to talk about anything under the sun. As an Aries woman, it’s easy to believe you were made for a Gemini man. His ideal partner is energetic , dynamic , and always on the go .

The flirtatious way of talking is just one among her many “misleading” characteristics. She is versatile, talkative, highly energetic, and active. She also needs social interaction to save her highly-active mind from boredom and the plain old things of life.

He will be there for you with staying power

If you don’t enjoy childish behaviour from adults then this might not be the relationship for you. Gemini guys are always a bit behind when it comes to maturity so don’t expect to be able to discuss mortgages, starting a future family or long-term deals. In their eyes, they are always going to be young at heart as he lives in his own dream world. Your Gemini may be playful and interested in learning new things.

Take some time to look inward and analyze your personal preferences, your personality, your values and lifestyle. It’s fine to take astrology into account, but remember to do it with a grain of salt. Notice if the person has the qualities of a Gemini.

Only problem with this combination is that too many domestic issues make their relationship weaker. Come across complimentary compatibility Fitness Singles from the linda goodman’s guide an initial pulls the being compatible was. Match an aries and sincere but if you aren’t girl is constant.

The element of Air makes the Gemini man intellectual, indulges him into clever thinking and makes him reason with hypothetical situations. The element of Earth makes the Virgo woman sensible, very reliable and also makes her a down to Earth individual. In particular, they will need to take the time to learn how they each process the world and to accept their differences. He likes to talk as he is working, which will be distracting to her. She will work on a problem for as long as it takes to be solved, which he will see as obsessive.

Gemini Child Taurus Mother

I’ve read articles about gemini and gemini compatibility and I’ve come to the simple conclusion that only a Gemini can accommodate another gemini if they set their mind to it. I have been in love with a gemini woman for the past two years. She has been my caompanion and we both give a lot of attention to each other and we understand each other. He really cares of me n loves me a lot and i really trust on him for long term relationship. But this compatibility make me in doubtful about our relationship.

I still love him to death though and know that whatever happens we will always remain good friends. I am a gemini women who is married to a gemini man. We have been happily married for 9 years and have been together for a total of 17 years.

The love between us was nothing I’ve ever had before. He would gaze into my eyes and tell me, «you don’t understand I love you so much it hurts» and that he wished he met me years ago. I just gave up on things because I feel he doesn’t care. He doesn’t make the time and I don’t feel loved anymore.

The Gemini man is also sensitive, but he is as attached as he is detached with people around, depending on the state of his mind. I am the gemini man who is going to tackle this scorpio woman regardless of the challenges. This is the best relationship I have been in where we both just get each other. He is more of a introverted Gemini while I am a bit more outgoing Scorpio. These articles are fun to read, but I wouldn’t decide to not date someone based of this article. Scorpio is known as the “sexy” sign, but a Scorpio woman seeks an emotional and psychic connection in the bedroom even more than she does a physical one.

Being very bright, intelligent and quite interesting, conversation flows very well between these two. Their clever wit and sparkle keeps it quite interesting and underneath it lays the seriousness of what is to come. Within the words, both the Gemini man and woman are able to work on figuring the other one out but they’ll never figure it all out, nor does the other Gemini allow such a feat. Their clever wit and companionship can pull them out of almost any difficulty they face. Refreshingly adaptable, they blend their different personalities well. They have the ability to cunningly outwit anyone, anywhere giving them the reputation of having strong intellect.